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Co-creating a work space and a work culture

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Von: TheDive GmbH

For about a year, more than 60 employee volunteers worked in self-organised workshops on the design of a new building. They were fully responsible for the budget and had a free hand in decision-making.
Co-creating agile spaces
Space and Culture
What if employees themselves decide what their workplace of the future should look like?

The Challenge
When Unilever DACH moved their headquarters, they wanted a new office design to meet the individual needs of employees. Unilever sought a space where a new culture could arise and workers were free to develop and thrive. The path to new agile work practices and a forward-looking corporate culture began with a radical transformation of the physical work environment. For space shapes culture, which in turn shapes space. For about a year, more than 60 employee volunteers worked in self-organised workshops on the design of a new building. They were fully responsible for the budget and had a free hand in decision-making. The teams were accompanied by TheDive. We were allowed to design, moderate and continuously accompany the journey programme, the workshops and the feedback processes.

Multidisciplinary, open-minded & non-hierarchical

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