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Es wird Zeit für eine neue Arbeitswelt!

Business Process Framework (eTOM): A Plan for Business Success

The business process framework is a collection of best practices, standards, and models that have been developed and refined by a collaborative community of digital pioneers. At its core, it is a hierarchical inventory of all the elements and systems involved in running an adaptable, agile, service-focused company.

Trainings HR Pioneers

Praxisorientiert Lösungen erarbeiten.

Pioneer Cards: Mensch entwickle Dich!

Mit Spaßfaktor weiterentwickeln Du erlebst Weiterentwicklung auf spielerische Art und Weise und revolutionierst nebenbei Deine Meetings und Prozesse. Gebe und empfange Feedback in neuer Art und Weise und fördere transparenten Austausch im Team!

Strategy Tactics | Clarity in a box.

Clarity in a box.

Innovation Tactics | Ditch guess work. Design confidently.

Ditch guess work. Design confidently. A card deck of research & design methods that guide you through the UX process (without the bullshit). ✅ Become an influential design leader ✅ Level up your career with current best practice ✅ Remove the guess work from your process

Team Tactics | Ditch chaotic mess. Design great teams.

Ditch chaotic mess. Design great teams. A card deck of 54 team management and leadership tactics that help you design, grow and nurture effective teams. ✅ Eradicate office politics ✅ Build autonomous, fulfilled, motivated teams ✅ Create systems that ensure long-term success

Idea Tactics | Ditch creative block. Unleash big ideas.

Ditch creative block. Unleash big ideas. A card deck of 54 idea-generating exercises that help you innovate beyond the obvious. ✅ Find great ideas consistently ✅ Save your team from “blank paper” dread ✅ Escape your creative comfort zone

Workshop Tactics | Ditch dull meetings

Ditch dull meetings. Design better products. 54 workshop recipe cards that help you master the design process, and have more productive time with your team. ✅ Kill pointless meetings ✅ Facilitate with confidence ✅ Become an influential leader

Storyteller Tactics | Stop boring presentations

Ditch dull presentations. Tell great stories. 54 storytelling recipe cards that help you influence and inspire. ✅ Kill boring PowerPoints ✅ Get your audience leaning in ✅ Have your message remembered

Antirassistische Bewusstseinsbildung

Die Charta der Vielfalt e.V. hat eine Toolbox veröffentlicht mit einem Methodenkoffer voller Übungen für Teams, Abteilungen oder gleich der ganzen Organisation.

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