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SDG Compass – Executive Summary

The guide for business action on the SDGs

How to make Innovation Labs work

In this episode, we welcome Director Business Innovation & Foresight, Hans Lind from the Volvo Group. As part of the Volvo Connected Solutions Innovation Lab, Hans’ job is to explore ideas that add value to the business and help it stay relevant in the long term.

Breaking Silos: How Microsoft Innovates

In this episode, we welcome Nicholas McQuire, Director of Growth Innovation and Strategy, Strategic Missions and Technologies at Microsoft. His passion: Artificial intelligence, emerging technologies, and enterprise innovation.

Kostenloses Toolkit: Vom Innovation Rookie zum Rockstar

60+ wertvolle Inspirationen, Tools und Ressourcen rund um das Thema Innovationsmanagement – in weniger als 100 Tagen zum erstklassigen Innovationsmanager werden

ITONICS – Maximales Innovationspotenzial für globale Unternehmen | Innovationsmanagement-Software

Nutzen Sie das ITONICS Innovation OS, um jede Phase des Innovationsprozesses zu managen. Für Teams und Unternehmen, die Innovationsmanagement-Software individuell anpassen, in bestehende Prozesse integrieren und Innovation unternehmensweit verankern.

SDG Compass

Leitfaden für Unternehmensaktivitäten zu den SDGs

What is Futures Literacy (FL)?

Futures Literacy makes it easier to innovate and to take advantage of innovations. An essential competency for the 21st century.

Neue Führungsziele und Aufgaben

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New Work erklärt

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lighthouses 2023

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2023 report shows success factors that contributed to significant, quantifiable, scalable, and sustainable DEI impact

How to be a Change Maker: Inner Development Goals

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What skills and qualities are needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030?

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