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Why I created the Business Agility Canvas

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Do Not Start An Agile Transformation Without It

Karim Harbott discuss the Business Agility Canvas, why he created it, what it is, and how leaders can use it to set up an agile transformations for success. It is a tool which helps to unlock business agility in organisations. The model incorporates the Six Enablers of Business Agility.

In a world marked by VUCA, volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, organisations must be more nimble and adaptable than ever before. This is where business agility comes in, but the truth is that most agile transformations fail. Leaders who do not take a holistic, strategic approach to business agility transformations, will continue to see few improvements. This video walks you through how to set up an agile transformation in the right way, as well as the key organisational ares of focus.

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