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SDG Compass – Executive Summary

Von: GRI, UN Global Compact, and WBCSD
Der SDG Kompass wurde von der GRI, dem UN Global Compact und dem World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) entwickelt.
The guide for business action on the SDGs

Our planet faces massive economic,
social and environmental challenges.
To combat these, the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) define global
priorities and aspirations for 2030. They
represent an unprecedented opportunity
to eliminate extreme poverty and put the
world on a sustainable path.
Governments worldwide have already
agreed to these goals. Now it is time
for business to take action.
The SDG Compass explains how
the SDGs affect your business –
offering you the tools and knowledge
to put sustainability at the heart of
your strategy.

(Externer Link)



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