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Business Process Framework (eTOM): A Plan for Business Success

Von: Lucid Content Team
The business process framework is a collection of best practices, standards, and models that have been developed and refined by a collaborative community of digital pioneers. At its core, it is a hierarchical inventory of all the elements and systems involved in running an adaptable, agile, service-focused company.

Companies focused on operations can use the framework to create a clear process for everything from customer relationship management to billing and revenue. And, in the enterprise phase, the framework helps a company chart a plan and process for risk management, human resources management, and anything else that is key to the success of the project—and process—as a whole.

Because the framework is flexible, companies can choose to focus only on the parts that are relevant to them at the time or use the entire framework to build a new enterprise from start to finish. And, since the business process framework is universal across digital industries and companies, it can be used to communicate and collaborate with everyone from suppliers to marketers and laborers.

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