@Fotocredit: https://www.thedive.com/en/projects/deutsche-bahn-handbuch-fuer-neue-arbeit

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A Manual for New Work

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Von: TheDive GmbH
Deutsche Bahn

Knowledge Sharing
How do you make transformation visible? How a colourful publication helps to carry new forms of cooperation into corporate structures.

The Challenge
The employees of Deutsche Bahn are facing a highly complex challenge in the coming years: to shape the massive shift of traffic from air and road to rail in order to make an essential contribution to achieving the climate targets. „Strong Rail“ is therefore the name of the strategic reorientation of the railways, with the digitalisation of rail operations being a decisive key. In order for this multi-faceted task to succeed, however, Deutsche Bahn needs one thing above all: people who are keen to play an active role in shaping the change. That is why there are various projects, initiatives, places and areas within the organisation that deal with digital innovations, new work and cultural change in the organisation.

Enablement & Learning
Responsive Organizations
Networks & Community

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