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You’re using ChatGPT wrong

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Von: promptentrepreneur
Kyle | AI Prompt Entrepreneur
Learn this basic framework to instantly upgrade your prompt engineering and productivity

Whenever I go and talk to companies and when I’m delivering AI training, one of the first things I show them is something. I call it the RISEN framework. So if you go into ChatGPT with a basic task like, hey, ChatGPT, write me a blog article about yoga, it’s going to give you an extremely generic, extremely boring response. You’ve probably done this before. The problem is, what a lot of people do at this point is they see this response and they decide. I’m not going to use this. This is not good enough. The problem here is not it’s not AI. The problem is the user

Use instead the RISEN framework.

R – Role
I – Instructions
S – Steps
E- Endgoal
N – Narrowing

Start building up a library with prompts for your business to use them again and again.

(Externer Link)



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