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A truly sustainable company

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Von: Andrew Millison
This Factory Grows Food Forests

Industrial factories always consume energy and create pollution, right? Think again.
This factory and Warehouse are literally using their waste to grow an epic food forest.

Waste transformed into rich soil that supports plants. The plants help cool the massive warehouse, and the irrigation is supplied by their treated wastewater. Even rainwater harvested from the roof. So how exactly did one of the largest spice companies in the world create a perfect harmony between industry and ecology?

To find out, I traveled to the Indian city of Pune to meet with one of the leaders of the Suhana Spice Empire Anan Chordia. Anan’s Grandparents founded the company, and when he got old enough to start making company decisions, he wanted to create a truly sustainable company because the food industry uses about 30% of the world’s energy and emits about 30% of the world’s greenhouse gases. So while the food industry feeds us they’re putting the entire planet’s health at risk.

But Anon Chordia had a vision for how this could totally change and he went full permaculture. Could this site be used as a blueprint to transform factories all across the world into thriving gardens? Thankfully Anon degreed to share the details of how it all works.

(Externer Link)



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