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Business Purpose & Sustainability Ownership

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Von: Jasmin Horn
Expertin für Nachhaltigkeit
3U Framework (Understanding, Usefulness, Unity)

In dieser Podcast Folge spricht Jasmin Horn mit Prof. CB Bhattacharya darüber, welche positiven Effekte Nachhaltigkeit auf Unternehmen hat, worauf es bei der Einführung und Entwicklung von Nachhaltigkeit innerhalb von Unternehmen ankommt und weshalb die Unternehmenskultur, Sinnhaftigkeit und die Erstellung von sozialem und ökologischem Mehrwert für Unternehmen dabei eine wesentliche Rolle spielen. Außerdem gibt CB Bhattacharya am Ende wertvolle Tipps, wie du Nachhaltigkeit in deinem Verantwortungsbereich mit dem 3 U Framework stärken kannst.

Nachfolgend ein Auszug aus dem Podcast-Interview in Englisch ab Minute 07:29
(Automatisch generiertes Transkript mit Microsoft Word)

Jasmin Horn:
„Until now you have worked with many world renowned companies also on the topic sustainability and how to integrate it into business and organizations. And I would be very interested. So if you, you know, go a little bit back in time from this first meeting and this question and where you are right now, what would you say are the key learnings over the years?“

Prof. CB Bhattacharya:
„So as I said, we were talking about corporate social responsibility back in the day. I mean, and this is actually what 1995 when I had this meeting. So the first kind of attempt or the first investigation really was: What conditions do stakeholders reward? Companies or their CSR initiatives, so kind of a behavioral lens onto the problem of CSR management and what we found in that research is that consumers actually do respond positively to these social initiatives. And environmental initiatives. (…)

The main finding is that my co-authors and I offer a framework which we call the 3 Us framework because we came up with three words:

and unity

as drivers of stakeholder reactions. (…) To understand what they’re initiative is about, they have to be aware of the initiative. They have to attribute your motives to know that you are sincere in what you’re doing is not just stream washing. They have to perceive your initiative to be effective. So you know, so that’s the understanding part. They have to find the initiative to be useful.

Kind of personally relevant somehow and they have to feel the sense of connection or identification with the company that we simply call this, this sense of unity with the company.

And when these three factors are fulfilled, then that can drive fairly positive reactions, increased purchase intention for your product, so propensity to say positive things to other people about your brand and all these kinds of positive, positive outcomes.

Like I said, we tested this with consumers, we tested it with employees, We tested this on many companies across the world.”

(Externer Link)



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