@Fotocredit: Agile Austria Conference

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How to enable Business Agility?

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Von: Karim Harbott
⭐️ Business Agility Expert ⭐️ Board Member ⭐️ Entrepreneur ⭐️ Keynote Speaker 🏆 Best-Selling Author – The 6 Enablers of Business Agility
Business Agility is a hot concept, but what does that term truly mean, why should we care, and how can we achieve it?

For too long, organisations have been overly focused on processes, practices, frameworks and tools. This has led to shallow and ineffective transformations. In this talk, Karim Harbott will discuss the value of Business Agility to our teams and organisations, and how leaders can put in place, the organisational operating system for agility and innovation. This involves taking a holistic and organisational approach, driven by leadership.

– What Business Agility is
– The Innovation Stack
– Why Corporations Fail
– Why Agile Initiatives Fail
– How can we create innovative, high-performing, agile organizations?
– Culture as competitive (Dis) Advantage)
– Why Focus on Engagement?
– Agile Project Funding Model
– An iterative approach
– Vision: What’s your why?

(Externer Link)



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