@Fotocredit: net4tec

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Von: net4tec
We are the leading network for women in the STEM environment.
Together we close the gender gap in technology by lifting female careers with the power of community

#women #career #tech

Together we shape a new face of leadership. Under the slogan “Inspire, Expose, Empower and Promote”, we come together and design spaces for knowledge transfer, personal growth and strategic networking. Our multicultural background allows us to think globally and act locally, especially in the DACH region. Our members are ambitious women like you and me, diverse in age, background, profession and career. net4tec helps women in STEM to overcome challenges and break through barriers.

1. Knowledge Transfer
Join training sessions with global experts, career peers & senior executives. Find what works and strategically advance your career.
2. Personal Growth
Learn how to break through and overcome personal challenges with our personal growth training sessions.
3. Strategic Networking
Connect to other like-minded women (& men) in STEM and strategically advance your career.

Get to know our net4tec events

The net4tec-ecosystem
Our strength is our network of STEM talent and collaboration with a diverse ecosystem, driven by Why Consult. Our members benefit from: Diversity Recruiting, 1:1 Career Coaching, Innovation and Diversity events such as Think Tanks, Hackathon, Open Space and BUSINESS CREATHON programme as well as fast track access to the value proposition of our cooperation partners.

(Externer Link)



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