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Revolutionise Your Business Model

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Von: Vlerick Business School
Learn from Arcadis' Digital Journey.

Leading consulting and engineering firm Arcadis is undoubtedly one of the digital leaders in its sector. Its digital transformation has been impressive: from an organisation providing consultancy projects on an hourly basis, it has morphed into a company that combines project work with a portfolio of digital products and services. ‘We could not have taken this step had we not partnered up with Vlerick back in 2017 in order to get everyone on board digitally’, says Bram Mommers, Global Technology Officer at Arcadis.

Indeed, Vlerick has been part of Arcadis’ digital transformation right from the very beginning. In this case study, Bram and Vlerick professor Stijn Viaene talk about how this process was put on the right track.

Why did Arcadis decide to partner up with Vlerick? How did the awareness raising and training process work out? What are paradoxical tensions and how can you best deal with them? What obstacles and paradoxes did Arcadis face and how did it deal with them? What did the organisation learn along the way and what advice have Bram and Stijn got for other organisations going through their own digital transformation? Discover the answers to these questions in the case study.

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