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Teaching Human Skills that’s what makes the difference

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Von: Simon Sinek
It's time to focus on what really matters in leadership.

There is massive opportunity for companies to start teaching human skills. And so human skills include things like how to have a a difficult conversation, how to have an effective confrontation, how to give and receive feedback, how to listen actively, how to demonstrate empathy.

And believe it or not, these skills are difficult. You know, we have to look at them. And when when somebody joins our company, we give them tons of training, how to do their job, whatever their job is, we train them. Some people get advanced degrees and how to do their jobs.

Why? So they’ll be good jobs when we put people in positions and give them little to no training on how to lead. We don’t teach the human skills and leadership is a human job.

You’re no longer doing the job, you’re now leading other people to do the job you’re using. There’s a big difference between the salesperson and the sales manager. So I think there’s a massive opportunity to start teaching human skills.

That’s that’s what makes the difference.

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