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How to create the organizational operating system for business agility & innovation

How to Thrive in an Uncertain World

Adopting the latest agile tools and practices won’t be enough to respond to rapid market change. Leaders must first lay the groundwork by creating the right environment for these tools to work.

Many managers struggle to install the underlying organizational operating system for business agility. High-performing agile organizationsdepend on the strength of six key enabling factors: leadership, culture, structure, people, governance, and ways of working. This book explains why these factors are important and how they work together to increase organizational agility. Real-world examples, stories, and tools will help leaders get realistic about the scope of changes needed in their organizations and show them how to get started.

Karim Harbott does not offer a book of recipes. Instead, he focuses on mindset, principles, and general patterns. This book summarizes of the most important factors in increasing organizational agility and why they work, which leaders will need to consider in a so-called agile transformation. Because every organization is different, each will have its own route to agility and high performance. Managers will need to tackle all the areas that are crucial to creating an environment in which any chosen approach can work.

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