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The AI Promise

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Von: DLD Conference
From Myths to Real Benefits for Humans (Claudia Nemat, Azeem Azhar) | DLD 24

Claudia Nemet, Deutsche Telekom AG, and Akeem Ahar, Exponentiell View, at DLD Conference 2024. Claudia is answering the question, how is competence built within the organisation as well, as the following:

„In the spring of this year, we decided to create an AI competence centre for Deutsche Telecom meant to bring together the experts from the group and that AI could. The competence centre does 4 things

  1. build AI applications for what we consider the most impactful
  2. It gears with partnerships
  3. It also provides architectural and ethical guidelines.
  4. With AI, my favourite is there is consideration in the end. There is always human accountability.

So, no one can hide behind the algorithm that suggested this and that tariff. It’s one of our super important ethical guidelines from 2018. And last but not least. We spent a lot of effort in adult education. So we identified 70,000 people across Europe for whom dealing with AI in one form or the other is actually very relevant. And so far we have reached 40,000 of them, with the first training programmes. Because I think, in the end, this is about human beings. AI is like a bicycle for our brain, and you have to learn to bike. And in the end, it’s the human capability that gets enhanced really important that we are smart and creative instead of naive consumers, and that’s the leitmotif we have.“

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