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Wisdom to help leaders cultivate their ‘inner selves’

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Von: Sustainability Mindshift, Göran Gennvi
Organizational transformation starts with ‘inner development’ IGDs

Episode 6: Göran Gennvi is Founder and CEO of the Nature Academy Learning Lab, based out of Stockholm Sweden, which guides management teams in the process of transformation. His programs provide leaders with a chance to retreat, reflect, and engage in learning and dialogue for more effective and sustainable decision making; using nature as an experiential learning teacher and classroom for faster and deeper learning. They are based on more than 30 years of experience and research primarily from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Society for Organizational Learning, as well as Indigenous wisdom; and they combine modern management theory with systems thinking that is grounded in ecological principles, as well as organizational and human development methodologies.

In this episode, Göran talks about how he utilizes lessons from nature and indigenous wisdom to help leaders cultivate their ‘inner selves’ in order to be more authentic and open to diverse perspectives, to collaborate well with others, to talk about complexity without reduction, and to speak their truths. Göran explains how the wisdom that exists in nature and from our ancestors is abundantly available for leaders (and everyone) today, and the best way to access that wisdom is to immerse oneself experientially in nature and indigenous practices. We discuss how individual and organizational transformation starts with ‘inner development’ and requires that one steps out of the ‘noise’ and to reconnect with themselves and their inner nature so that they can do the inner work necessary for sustainable and regenerative change.

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