@Fotocredit: Flight Levels Academy

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Customer Centric Flight Levels @ Bosch Mobility

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Von: Flight Levels Academy
Turn your strategy into reality at Bosch

Create customer focus and inject innovation into your company’s DNA without any restructuring. Learn from Bosch Mobility Brasil how Flight Levels enabled them to do it all. Hear the story of how a group in Brazil @ Bosch Mobility put their Customers at the Center of everything they do. Using a virtual organisation within their existing structure, they’re able to create focus and innovation without any restructuring. Ronnie and Frank will tell us about why they did it, how they did it and what they learnt along the way. Flight Club is hosted by Klaus Leopold and Cliff Hazell

6:03 Teaser
7:56 Ronnie Balmant
22:50 Stakeholder Analysis
48:44 Business Effects
57:53 What Would Your Tips Be for Somebody…

(Externer Link)



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