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Being a leader doesn’t mean having all the answers

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Von: Ginny Clarke
CEO, Ginny Clarke, LLC | Advising Leaders & Empowering Careers | Talent Strategist | Organizational Builder | Force of Nature
Be the last person to speak.

Many of us probably talk too much. When you’re at a leadership role, you may think you’re supposed to have all the answers, but no one expects that from you, and in fact it’s best if you don’t have them all.

Being a leader doesn’t mean having all the answers.

It means leaving space for others’ insights, listening intently, and fostering an environment where ideas flourish. Your job is to leave room for others to share their insights.

I worked with the CEO who was quite introverted and had served him well because he usually listened intent. He was able to formulate his thoughts integrating what he had heard and waited to comment until the end. As a leader, being the last one to speak also gives space for your team to share and explore new ideas without the need to be right all the time.

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